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Sunday, August 5th, 2018

Santa Barbara Cruisers is proud to be hosting our 8th Annual All-26" Cruiser Bike Show.

What we are looking for is your bad..., over the top, stock, or full mod, all O.G. or all new school, super shiny or full slammin' one of a kind paint job. You get the picture. The winners from the previous six years have all been over the top or completely custom! Limited space–enter now!


Ladies, we welcome your partcipation too! If you have built your own 26" cruiser, we want to see it. Enter it in the show to have a chance at being crowned the first Queen of the Cruisers! 


Check out some of the previous year's bikes!


Here is what you need to do:

Due to high demand we have limited the show to 30 bikes. To be considered for this year’s competition submit your bike pics and contact info by August 1 via text (805) 403-5817 or email ( to Rex Stephens.


The Details: Send us a pic of your whip, name, and your phone number. Our team will go over all submitted bikes and pick the top 50 submissions that best represent our diverse show. We will contact those picked for the show by phone. Entry fee is $35 and you will receive a free 2018 King of the Cruiser t-shirt. The winner of the bike show will receive a Limited Edition Santa Barbara Cruisers 26" frame and their name will be added to the King of the Cruisers trophy alongside the last six winners.


This year we will be hosting two classes, Viewer's Choice and Builder's Choice. Bikes eligible for the Builder's Choice are also eligible for the Viewer's Choice.


Class 1: Viewer's Choice: Approximately 300 people come to this show to see what's hot and what's not. They are the judges via a voting system. Voting is FREE and everyone is encourage to participate but only once please. Bring your friends!


Class 2: Builder's Choice: This class will be judged by a representative of Santa Barbara Cruisers and two special guest judges. Judging will be based upon on what you BUILT and not what you bought!



  • Bike show starts at 9:00 am (yes, am, not pm)

  • All bikes in the show must be in place by 9:30 am and will be on display until 11:15 am

  • Voting opens at 9:30 am and stops at 11:15 am

  • The winner is announced at 11:30 am

  • After that we ride to the Dolphin Fountain to join the 38th FIESTA CRUISER RIDE and ride to Goleta and back with 2,500 other bike nuts.


Raffle Prizes (throughout the show): A new Santa Barbara Cruiser Frame, a Santa Barbara Cruiser Fork, a Mr. Tick product, a Bassett product, BMX artwork, T-shirts, and much more.


Merchandise for Sale: We will have 2018 King of the Cruiser Run shirts and other items for sale the morning of the show. Shirts and raffle tickets will be available early August. You can pre-purchase both at the shop.


Location/Contact Info:


Call or text Rex Stephens for more info: (805) 403-5817


This is a show that has an incredible amount of one of a kind bikes. AND FINALLY, THIS IS A CRUISER SHOW BUT NOT LIMITED TO CRUISERS SO FEEL FREE TO RIDE WHAT EVER MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD.


716 Bond Ave, Santa Barbara, CA 93103

Just around the corner from the old shop.

8th Annual - King of the Cruisers Bike Show + 38th Fiesta Cruiser Ride

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